What's the best way to understand numbers?

This is a 7-minute experiment to see if stats – shown in different ways – can be more memorable. You'll be shown 10 stats about the world, then given a quick, anonymous survey. At the end of January, I'll analyze the results, and we'll know what makes data stick!

update jan 31: results are in!
let's go! for science! ➡️
And now, a quick (5 min) anonymous survey!
ok, submitted - continue! ➡️
(plz click ONLY AFTER you've hit the SUBMIT button in the above form!)
You were in the control group. You were in the experimental group. This experiment was designed to see if being asked to predict a statistic before seeing it (experimental) is better for memory than simply being shown the statistic (control).

To see what the other group saw: play experimental play control
For more info on this experiment: my "pre-registration"
update jan 31: results are in!

If you'd like to see this experiment's results when it's out (end of Jan 2019), you can follow my blog or Twitter. I was inspired by New York Times' You Draw It, and all stats came from Our World In Data.

Thank you for helping us do ✨SCIENCE!